When "systems" fall, what's your Plan B? Now is the time to prepare!

How to Escape an Invasion When You Live in the City: A Guide to Urban Survival

When we talk about urban invasions, we're referring to sudden, unprovoked attacks that catch citizens off guard. These can come in the form of terrorist attacks, military actions, or coordinated assaults by various groups. The recent attacks in Israel, where cities were targeted unexpectedly, left many unprepared and scrambling for safety. This scenario isn't unique to Israel; any city could be vulnerable to similar threats.

Cynthia Jordan

6/21/20244 min read

Urban City
Urban City

In a world that can sometimes feel unpredictable, the recent attacks on cities in Israel remind us of the stark reality that no urban area is completely safe from unexpected invasions. The events that unfolded in Israel serve as a grim reminder that preparation is essential, no matter where you live. Here, we’ll discuss how to prepare for, survive, and escape an invasion when you live in a city, drawing on lessons from Israel and other cities that have faced sudden, unprovoked attacks.

Understanding the Threat

When we talk about urban invasions, we're referring to sudden, unprovoked attacks that catch citizens off guard. These can come in the form of terrorist attacks, military actions, or coordinated assaults by various groups. The recent attacks in Israel, where cities were targeted unexpectedly, left many unprepared and scrambling for safety. This scenario isn't unique to Israel; any city could be vulnerable to similar threats.

Have a Well-Thought-Out Escape Plan

1. Plan Ahead:
  • Identify Safe Locations: Before an emergency arises, identify safe locations outside the city. This could be a relative's house, a friend’s place, or a designated safe zone in the countryside.

  • Create a Route Map: Have multiple routes planned out to reach your safe location. Include primary and alternative routes in case main roads are blocked.

  • Pre-Pack Go-Bags: Prepare go-bags for each family member with essentials like water, food, clothing, first aid kit, flashlight, multi-tool, and important documents. Keep these bags easily accessible.

2. Stay Informed:
  • Monitor News and Alerts: Stay updated on the situation through reliable news sources and official alerts. Use a battery-powered radio if power is out.

  • Communicate with Loved Ones: Establish a communication plan with your family. Agree on a meeting point and a way to check in with each other regularly.

3. Move Early if Possible:
  • Avoid Last-Minute Rush: If you receive early warnings of potential danger, leave the city before the situation escalates. This reduces the risk of getting caught in traffic or chaotic conditions.

  • Travel During Off-Peak Hours: If you must travel during the crisis, choose times when roads are less likely to be crowded, like early morning or late at night.

4. Stay Low and Move Quietly:
  • Avoid Main Roads: Main roads and highways may be congested or targeted. Use back roads, side streets, and paths less traveled to reduce the risk of encounters.

  • Blend In: Wear inconspicuous clothing to avoid drawing attention. Avoid military-style gear that might make you a target.

5. Use Public Transportation Wisely:
  • Trains and Buses: If available and safe, use trains or buses to leave the city. They can bypass road congestion and get you out faster.

  • Bicycles and Motorbikes: These can be great for maneuvering through traffic and using narrow paths. Ensure they are in good condition and you have necessary supplies like fuel and repair kits.

6. Stay Safe on Foot:
  • Stick Together: Move as a group if you’re with family or friends. There's safety in numbers.

  • Know Your Terrain: Familiarize yourself with local terrain and shortcuts. Parks, alleys, and trails can provide quicker and safer routes.

  • Conserve Energy: Move at a steady pace to conserve energy. Take short breaks when necessary and stay hydrated.

7. Prepare for Shelter:
  • Temporary Shelters: Be aware of potential temporary shelters along your route, such as churches, schools, or community centers.

  • Outdoor Survival: If you must camp outdoors, know basic survival skills like setting up a tent, starting a fire, and finding clean water.

8. Security and Defense:
  • Stay Vigilant: Constantly assess your surroundings for potential threats. Avoid confrontations and stay discreet.

  • Self-Defense: If necessary, have a means of self-defense like pepper spray, a personal alarm, or other non-lethal tools. Know how to use them effectively.

9. Resources and Supplies:
  • Stockpiles: Consider pre-positioning supplies at your safe location. This reduces what you need to carry and ensures you have essentials when you arrive.

  • Barter Items: Carry small, high-value items for bartering, such as lighters, batteries, and small medical supplies.

10. Stay Positive and Calm:
  • Mental Preparation: Stay positive and keep a clear mind. Anxiety and panic can cloud judgment and hinder your ability to make smart decisions.

  • Community Support: If possible, form alliances with neighbors and community members. Working together can increase your chances of a successful escape.

Lessons from Past Urban Attacks

The events in Israel are not isolated. History has seen several urban centers suddenly plunged into chaos due to unprovoked attacks:

  1. Mumbai, India (2008): A series of coordinated terrorist attacks over four days left the city reeling. Citizens were caught off guard, and many had to rely on their resourcefulness and the quick thinking of security forces.

  2. Paris, France (2015): Multiple attacks across the city, including the Bataclan theatre and various cafes, resulted in widespread panic. The city’s emergency response was critical in saving lives, but many citizens found themselves unprepared for such an event.

  3. Nairobi, Kenya (2013): The Westgate shopping mall attack saw gunmen open fire on unsuspecting shoppers. The assault lasted several days, emphasizing the need for both immediate action and long-term survival strategies for those trapped inside.


The possibility of an invasion or sudden attack on a city is a daunting thought, but being prepared can make all the difference. By developing a solid emergency plan, maintaining a well-stocked emergency kit, and staying informed, you can increase your chances of survival. The recent attacks in Israel serve as a sobering reminder that no city is immune, and it’s crucial to take proactive steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. Remember, staying calm, acting quickly, and being prepared are your best defenses in an urban invasion scenario. Stay safe, stay prepared, and stay informed.